Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Assignment 9

1. My definition of happiness is a feeling that you get when something very good happens to you, when everything seems to be going right, or maybe its just a small thing, but it gives you a warm feeling or joy and excitment. And its great. :)
2.In my own life, happiness is hanging out with my friends, especially my boyfriend, who is my best friend-even though it sounds very cliche, its true. I can be happy with him even if we are just sitting at my house with my family, or watching a movie, or even when he's not in a good mood i'm still happy when i'm with him. My friends bring happiness to my life as well, but it is when we are doing something enjoyable that i am the most happy. Especially football games, high school football with my friends are definately the highlight of my high school carreer. I also am really happy during christmas time at my grandma's house when my whole family is gathered around the tree opening presents.
3. The people that affect my happiness in my life are my parents and my friends. When my parents are in a bad mood, or punishing me then i'm usually not too happy. And when me and my friends are all together, at like a football game then i am extremely happy and i feel like nothing else matters.
4. I think i impact my parents definately, my friends, Nick, customers at TJs, because its just little things that you can do to make people happy. like when i'm waitressing, and a lot of people come to eat alone there, and sometimes you can make a person's day just by asking them how they are, or smiling at them. So i think we impact more peeopple's happiness in one day then you give yourself credit for. For those lonely people, that can be a big deal for them and maybe not an everyday event. And the rest of the people, my mom, dad, friends, Nick...I impact them by being there for them when they need me. I am usually pretty happy and happiness in my opinion is very contagious. So naturally it affects many people...its like a web.
5. My greatest need in my life is my friends and family. I am a very social person and i love people, so having friends and family and just overall people to talk to is a big part of my life and it always will be. Without them, i don't even know how i would survive..without their support i would be so lost.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

assignment 8

  • my old house
  • a murder
  • a mystery
  • my family
  • my cousin amber
  • a love story
  • pepper-his point of view
  • halloween-getting ready
  • a bad date
  • try-outs for a sport
  • a championship game for football
  • a girl who doesnt fit in
  • a young child
  • playing pranks

Assignment 7

1. First quarter, i liked the free writes the most. i dont like when i'm forced to write about a specific thing or in a specific way, so free write is a nice break. i like writing, but i like to do it on my own. Some of the in-class prompts are hard to write about however, because sometimes i just want to write about my life, and what is goin on. But then we get some prompt that really doesn't have a whole lot to do about my life, and i can't relate to it at thats not always fun.
2. My strongest piece of writing is probly my poem about Kelly Phillips. I dont write a lot of poetry, well i can go as far and say i do not like poetry so i never write it, but i that poem really reflected my feelings about her death and it was easy to write about something u feel strongly about.
3. I have learned that i am a very big procrastinator, but when i write about something i care about i am able to get it done a lot quicker and its usually better quality. I do not like a lot of structure in my writing, because i like to write a lot, but i like to use my own creativity and not just follow a structure. That is how my life is, very unstructured-which can be good and bad. i guess it wouldn't hurt me to have a little bit more structure in my life, but writing is not where i need it.
4. I like writing about my memoirs. i've always loved telling stories, and i tend to exaggerate them a bit but only to make them more interesting. Non-fiction is also fun to write about as well. i think my scary short story (the second one) was pretty decent, and that was fun to write. i think it is really easy to be influenced by movies and use other peoples ideas when writing non-fiction though, so that's something to watch out for. But memoirs, that's what i'm looking forward to.
