Monday, December 3, 2007

Blog 10

1. Something that conerns me in my world is going to college. I want to go far away, but there is so much here that i love that i don't know if i would be happy with leaving. I want to go where i will be happy, and i've always thought that going away for college would make me the most happy..but the closer it comes to the decision the more i dont know what i want.
2. One of my best friends, Jacquese, has the most dynamic personality of anyone i've ever met. She doesn't care what anyone thinks of her, so she is always herself. For instance on Cinco De Mayo last year, she dressed up as a mexican and marched down the streets playing Spanish music. It was soo funny. She is the craziest person i know, but at the same time she is caring and never talks bad about anyone behind their backs. I've never heard her talk bad about anyone, even when i start to first. She is a wonderful listener and you can talk to her for hours on end about anything and she will sit there and listen.
3. When my grandma died, we found a ton of poetry that she had kept throughout her life, and among them were some really great things that i loved. One that sticks out in my mind however, is this very short saying that she had underlined and circled in a tattered old poetry book, and it said "Be kind to everyone, for everyone is fighting their own battle." I recently recieved this same quote in a fortune cookie at my favorite chinese restaurant. I like it so much, because it is so true. You should be nice to everyone, because you never know what their home life or work life consists of, and they could be really struggling. A smile can go a long way, and "being kind" doesn't necessarily have to mean helping every old lady across the street, it can be as simple as a smile.


natalie said...

I totally agree with you about the whole college thing! It's so difficult to know what you want and you don't want to make the wrong decision but we just have to take risks in the end. Your friend sounds really cool! I love people that aren't afraid to speek their mind but listen when their needed. I'm sorry about your grandme! Her poetry sounds really good and it is ture! Keep up the good blogging:)

muna w. said...

your friend sounds awesome and i agre with college too. its so difficult to choose and have to make sure its right so it won't blow up in your face. nice mac;P

Mr. Miles said...

"Be kind to everyone, for everyone is fighting their own battle."

I really agree with that! I have seen students be so mean to other kids, and they have NO idea what those kids are going through.

I wanted to say something about college, and I need to re-read what you read because I got distracted. I'll be back.

Digial Thoughts said...

wats up! i agree with the whole college thing thank god iam not going away to some where far away. But first i wanted to go away well i guess i just can't leave my people. Your friend sound like she is a really cool person to be friends with. great thinking gurl.

Mr. Miles said...

Now I remember . . . I went to college close by so I could save money and live at home. I think some kids really need to stay close to home or they lose their grounding/home culture and lose sight of who they are. They end up becoming entirely different people and losing out later on. I, however, think I would have done well away from home.

But if I could offer advice, I would say choose a college that has the best program of what you want (or think you may want). The location is secondary as long as you are getting a great education in an area that really makes you happy.

Of course, if you really want a specialized area of study, one that is central to a location (i.e. oceanology, film studies, etc.), then do consider an out-of-state college.

Okay, that was rambling, but . . .