Monday, December 10, 2007

Blog 11

1. For me and my writing, the theme comes naturally. i don't try and express a specific theme, but in a good story or any writing there is usually a theme or idea being portrayed. It doesn't necessarily have to, but it certainly can. For instance, a lot of great writers write short stories that do not have a specific theme, but end up being great pieces just because the writing is good, and their use in language. there are some authors that specialize in theme, such as Mark Twain and the Adventures of Tom Sawyer, there were a lot of themes in that book, and they were integrated into the story very naturally. Now whether Mark Twain meant to include those themes, or whether they just came with the story line I'm not sure, but he is one of the great American writers and i think people can take a lot of inspiration from his work.

2. I think these writers are so great and have survived so long in history is because they each have specific traits in their writing that is rare and doesn't come along very often in writers, so they remain in our textbooks and in education as great writers. I also think there is something to be said about the time frame that they wrote in, because the history of the author can tell you a lot about what their writing is actually about. To use Mark Twain again, his writing has lasted a long time, and looking into his life can help us interpret his writing because authors tend to write their own experiences into their works. His stories have lasted so long because they tell us a lot about American life, and especially life during the time period he wrote them.

3. For me, my life long goal is to be nice to people and not have any enemies. I would like to live my life so that when i die, at my funeral, nobody will have anything bad to say about me, and everyone who i knew in my lifetime would like to go. I would hope that when people leave me after meeting me, they would only have good things to say about me, and nothing too bad. It's not that i care about what people think of me, and so i try to be someone I'm not, because i am always myself no matter what, but i do care about how i treat people so that they do not have a reason to not like me. I guess i can use writing to first of all not write anything bad about anyone else, and sometimes i struggle with that-especially on the Internet- because not everyone can be nice all the time. But i do try my best, and hopefully i can leave a good impact on the world whether it is through my writing or other feats i hope to achieve.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Blog 10

1. Something that conerns me in my world is going to college. I want to go far away, but there is so much here that i love that i don't know if i would be happy with leaving. I want to go where i will be happy, and i've always thought that going away for college would make me the most happy..but the closer it comes to the decision the more i dont know what i want.
2. One of my best friends, Jacquese, has the most dynamic personality of anyone i've ever met. She doesn't care what anyone thinks of her, so she is always herself. For instance on Cinco De Mayo last year, she dressed up as a mexican and marched down the streets playing Spanish music. It was soo funny. She is the craziest person i know, but at the same time she is caring and never talks bad about anyone behind their backs. I've never heard her talk bad about anyone, even when i start to first. She is a wonderful listener and you can talk to her for hours on end about anything and she will sit there and listen.
3. When my grandma died, we found a ton of poetry that she had kept throughout her life, and among them were some really great things that i loved. One that sticks out in my mind however, is this very short saying that she had underlined and circled in a tattered old poetry book, and it said "Be kind to everyone, for everyone is fighting their own battle." I recently recieved this same quote in a fortune cookie at my favorite chinese restaurant. I like it so much, because it is so true. You should be nice to everyone, because you never know what their home life or work life consists of, and they could be really struggling. A smile can go a long way, and "being kind" doesn't necessarily have to mean helping every old lady across the street, it can be as simple as a smile.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Assignment 9

1. My definition of happiness is a feeling that you get when something very good happens to you, when everything seems to be going right, or maybe its just a small thing, but it gives you a warm feeling or joy and excitment. And its great. :)
2.In my own life, happiness is hanging out with my friends, especially my boyfriend, who is my best friend-even though it sounds very cliche, its true. I can be happy with him even if we are just sitting at my house with my family, or watching a movie, or even when he's not in a good mood i'm still happy when i'm with him. My friends bring happiness to my life as well, but it is when we are doing something enjoyable that i am the most happy. Especially football games, high school football with my friends are definately the highlight of my high school carreer. I also am really happy during christmas time at my grandma's house when my whole family is gathered around the tree opening presents.
3. The people that affect my happiness in my life are my parents and my friends. When my parents are in a bad mood, or punishing me then i'm usually not too happy. And when me and my friends are all together, at like a football game then i am extremely happy and i feel like nothing else matters.
4. I think i impact my parents definately, my friends, Nick, customers at TJs, because its just little things that you can do to make people happy. like when i'm waitressing, and a lot of people come to eat alone there, and sometimes you can make a person's day just by asking them how they are, or smiling at them. So i think we impact more peeopple's happiness in one day then you give yourself credit for. For those lonely people, that can be a big deal for them and maybe not an everyday event. And the rest of the people, my mom, dad, friends, Nick...I impact them by being there for them when they need me. I am usually pretty happy and happiness in my opinion is very contagious. So naturally it affects many people...its like a web.
5. My greatest need in my life is my friends and family. I am a very social person and i love people, so having friends and family and just overall people to talk to is a big part of my life and it always will be. Without them, i don't even know how i would survive..without their support i would be so lost.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

assignment 8

  • my old house
  • a murder
  • a mystery
  • my family
  • my cousin amber
  • a love story
  • pepper-his point of view
  • halloween-getting ready
  • a bad date
  • try-outs for a sport
  • a championship game for football
  • a girl who doesnt fit in
  • a young child
  • playing pranks

Assignment 7

1. First quarter, i liked the free writes the most. i dont like when i'm forced to write about a specific thing or in a specific way, so free write is a nice break. i like writing, but i like to do it on my own. Some of the in-class prompts are hard to write about however, because sometimes i just want to write about my life, and what is goin on. But then we get some prompt that really doesn't have a whole lot to do about my life, and i can't relate to it at thats not always fun.
2. My strongest piece of writing is probly my poem about Kelly Phillips. I dont write a lot of poetry, well i can go as far and say i do not like poetry so i never write it, but i that poem really reflected my feelings about her death and it was easy to write about something u feel strongly about.
3. I have learned that i am a very big procrastinator, but when i write about something i care about i am able to get it done a lot quicker and its usually better quality. I do not like a lot of structure in my writing, because i like to write a lot, but i like to use my own creativity and not just follow a structure. That is how my life is, very unstructured-which can be good and bad. i guess it wouldn't hurt me to have a little bit more structure in my life, but writing is not where i need it.
4. I like writing about my memoirs. i've always loved telling stories, and i tend to exaggerate them a bit but only to make them more interesting. Non-fiction is also fun to write about as well. i think my scary short story (the second one) was pretty decent, and that was fun to write. i think it is really easy to be influenced by movies and use other peoples ideas when writing non-fiction though, so that's something to watch out for. But memoirs, that's what i'm looking forward to.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007


1. Yes i love to be scared. in movies and at haunted houses i love it if i'm with other people. But when i'm alone, and thinking about real things that actually are disturbing i dont like it so much. Like being home alone and watching a scary movie isn't fun to me, so i suppose i like to be scared only when i'm with other people.
2. My biggest fears are rollercoasters and thunderstorms and stalkers. rollercoasters are just something that i've never liked cuz they freak me out-mostly cuz i dont like height much, but its the combination of the unsturdy thing, with the height and then speed. I dont like it. And with thunderstorms, i can handle them if they're not severe, but once the sky turns green and the wind gets strong i get really nervous. I also think stalkers and rapists are really creepy and when i'm home alone at night thats what i think of more than monsters and stuff like that.
3. A person that is mad would have to be wiling to do almost anything. when i think about madness i think about the people in Texas Chainsaw Massacre, or the guy in Saw. That stuff is just plain crazy and i dont see how people can even think those things up.
4. In order to go from normal to insane, i think a person would have to go through some experience that is almost unimaginable and horrific. maybe a death they blame on themself, maybe they are responsible for some terrible accident. But i think that in order to be actually extremely mad, they must have some mental disorder to begin with.Even if it doesn't show at first.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


1.Emily Blackwoods dad just built her a tree house in the backyard for her 10th birthday. It was the best tree house in the neighborhood and the kids were always stopping by to come play in it.

2. Emily Blackwood's summer was of to a slow start. Mostly she just sat around house, hung out with her best friend Lily, and occasionaly had a lemonade stand to make a little money.

3. Emily Blackwood was never the most popular girl in the neighborhood, most of the attention went to Angelica-her next door neighbor who had a very attractive older sister and always had lots of older kids at her house. This summer was going to be different, she now had an extremely impressive treehouse in her backyard, and if that didn't draw the kids in, nothing would.

4. "Did you see Emily's new tree house?"Tommy asked Lily.
"Yeah of course i was there when it was built" Lily added hautily.
"well can we play in it?" Tommy asked.
"NO, of Course NOT! We dont want your boy germs all over the tree house. Theres no boys allowed..sorry!" Lilyanswered

5. Emily was your average girl, about 5 foot, ten years old, blonde, wavy hair, not too skinny, but not plump either. Everything about her was average, and that is how it has always been. But This summer, She had an exceptional tree house in her backyard, and nobody else did. Now, for what seemed like the first time in her life, she was ahead of everyone!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Assignment 3

My First Poem is about my good friend Kelly Phillips who got into a car accident last friday and passed away. She will always be in my heart, i'll never forget her. A senior that mattered.
Dear Kelly Phillips
I'm sorry this had to happen
I'm sorry that it was you
I'm sorry that you got in that car
I'm sorry for Kylie too
I'm sorry you weren't wearing a seatbelt
I'm sorry the convertible flipped
I'm sorry that i could do nothing
You will be greatly missed
So i pray for all your doctors
The police and ambulance, too
I pray especially for your family
And all the people who loved you
But the promise of God tells us
That this is not the end
Your soul lives on in all of us
And someday we'll see you again
Kelly, you've touched our hearts
You're an inspiration to everyone
We were lucky to have known you
And i thank God your suffering is done.
My second poem is a little lighter, its a happy poem about Cabo where i went with my best friend emily last spring break.
My Beautiful Place
Waves crashing,
Sun shining,
This vacation is going to be fun.
Friends laughing,
Music playing,
The fun has only just begun.
Salsa dancing,
I don;t want the night to be done.
Massages relaxing,
Now we're tanning,
I love this hot mexican sun.
Next year returning,
Patiently waiting,
Back to Cabo San Lucas I'll run.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Assignment 2

The piece of writing i brought to class is the lyrics to the song Bubbly by Colbie Callait. Maybe i like it so much because the first time i heard it i was at COP, my church camp, which is one of my favorite places ever. i was in the workstaff cabin with an amazing group of girls, and Sheri had it on her ipod. we were all trying to take naps because the week was getting long and we had done a lot of work that day. When this song came on i really really liked it a lot, and the first thing i did when i got home at the end of the week was download that song.
The part i like the best in the song is the chorus which goes: "It starts in my toes and I crinkle my nose, where ever it goes i always know that you make me smile please stay for a while now just take your time where ever you go." This is a really good message because she is basically just saying take time in life to enjoy everything and dont rush or hope for things to go fast. its also a song about love, and i just like it because it's really cute.

Prompt 1: Is there a certain song that you associate with a memory, or a song that when you hear it, it makes you think of a certain person or moment or feeling?
Prompt 2: Do you think that the place you first hear a song has anything to do with the feelings you associate with the song?

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hey! My name is Mackenzie. I am interested in writing that you dont have to worry about the structure or if you are doing it right or wrong. I like to write creative stories that i can make up on my own without having too much structure. Writing is fun for me until i am forced to analyze books or poems. This semester i would like to spend time writing about my experiences and other personal stories...i have a lot of those.
Some writers i enjoy reading is Dan Brown, who wrote my favorite book, The Da Vinci Code. I like his writing because the plots of his book are very exciting, but at the same time he manages to throw in all kinds of little facts that are so intriguing. You can never really tell if they are true or not, which just makes it more of a mystery.
Something i had in my notebook was a description of my favorite song. Here's a sample:

My favorite song is "I Can" by Nas. I obviously have many other songs that i listen to on a day to day basis, but if i were to choose a song that i thought was meaningful and not just for the sole purpose of listening, i would choose "I Can." Basically, the song says don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. The chorus goes: I know i can, be what i wanna be, if i work hard at it, i'll be where i wanna be." And then Nas raps about how there are many kids that do not have a very good education, but they can get through it and succeed in life. I really agree with this because it's so true. There are soo many children who don't have a school like Edina to go to and feel safe, where learning is expected and college is almost not even a choice-it's mandatory. some people grow up where the schools are not so well funded and do not have the best family life, and this song is just saying dont give can make it in life. And it is a very catchy song too, with good rapping. :)

So that's a sample of my writing, its a little cheesy but oh well. I like the song.