Wednesday, October 24, 2007


1. Yes i love to be scared. in movies and at haunted houses i love it if i'm with other people. But when i'm alone, and thinking about real things that actually are disturbing i dont like it so much. Like being home alone and watching a scary movie isn't fun to me, so i suppose i like to be scared only when i'm with other people.
2. My biggest fears are rollercoasters and thunderstorms and stalkers. rollercoasters are just something that i've never liked cuz they freak me out-mostly cuz i dont like height much, but its the combination of the unsturdy thing, with the height and then speed. I dont like it. And with thunderstorms, i can handle them if they're not severe, but once the sky turns green and the wind gets strong i get really nervous. I also think stalkers and rapists are really creepy and when i'm home alone at night thats what i think of more than monsters and stuff like that.
3. A person that is mad would have to be wiling to do almost anything. when i think about madness i think about the people in Texas Chainsaw Massacre, or the guy in Saw. That stuff is just plain crazy and i dont see how people can even think those things up.
4. In order to go from normal to insane, i think a person would have to go through some experience that is almost unimaginable and horrific. maybe a death they blame on themself, maybe they are responsible for some terrible accident. But i think that in order to be actually extremely mad, they must have some mental disorder to begin with.Even if it doesn't show at first.


muna w. said...

I really envy you for the part where you said you love to be scared. I like haunted houses but if i go into one my heart beats so fast that i would think it would come right out. i like rollercoasters though they have a thrill. yeah i agree about the normal-insane thing. Nice!

Digial Thoughts said...

hey me too i like being scaryed but not by my self and also like watching people being scaryed. Its funny when u see some being scaryed. once my friend we were in this public bathroom and it was hell a scary in there so i was using the bathroom, she was not so i kept hearing this woried sounds at no where then i ketp calling my friend she would not answer so i go t a little scaryed i came out and she cames behind me and scarys me away. after that i get out and me and my boyfriend try to lock her in the restroom well lets say she almost cried it was a pay back it was hilarious thing ever. well that my little story. !good day!

natalie said...

I like to be scared too. I agree its definately not so much fun to be scared when you're by yourself. I drive myself crazy over thinking everything that can happen to me after I watch scary movies. I also kind of agree with you on rollercoasters. They are fun for me because I love heights but I also get really nervous when the rollercoaster does not seem sturdy to me. I always start thinking of what can go wrong and I even talk myself out of going on the ride sometimes. It's bad I know...